ArSta Eco


At ArSta eco we offer Biochar based soil improvers for all your agriculture and horticulture needs. Our products improve the physical structure of soil increase its water holding capacity, increase nutrient retention and enhances soil fertility.

What is it?

Biochar is a charcoal like substance made from the high temperature treatment of biomass in a low oxygen environment containing at least 60 % carbon – this is a conducted via thermal process known as pyrolysis. Pyrolysis process bio char at temperature much higher than ordinary charcoal, giving the biochar  special properties that are targeted for  making soils healthy

How is it made?

Arsta Biochar is made through a start of the art Biochar reactor to ensure the product is consistent and meets international standard. The feedstock is agricultural residue sourced directly from the farmers and is sustainable and ecologically friendly. The entire process is carbon negative.

How it will help your soil?

  • Increases inorganic and organic soil carbon
  • Improves plant growth
  • Improves soil fertility and soil health reducing fertilizer requirement
  • Increased water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil
  • Provides a home for beneficial soil microbes including mycorrhizal fungi
  • Puts carbon back into the soil – locking up atmospheric carbon
  • Increased soil cation exchange capacity and soil pH
  • Can be added to soil compost and mulches to stimulate microbial activity
  • Can be blended with fertilizers to improve availability and reduce loss
  • Decrease toxicity of aluminum and other metals


How to use ?

Applications can be repeated annually, mixed into the root zone raw or blended with your favorite fertilizer to boost the plant growth. For existing crops, it can also be applied as top dressing. Application shall vary depending on soil types, vegetation and environment.

Seed germination in ArSta Biochar

General application guide

  • Garden Bed – Small garden bed in backyard large planter box – 1,5 liters per sqm
  • Potting Medium – Using as a potting medium additive for pot plants , orchids , smaller plants etc – 1 to 10 % of the volume
  • Compost Blend – Blending Biochar with your favorite compost blend – 1 to 10 % of the volume
  • Garden Trees – Planting new trees or top dressing existing tress – 1 to 5 litres per sqm
  • Large Horticulture – Large scale application in horticulture crops – 5 ton per hectare targeted to root growth zones
  • Large Agriculture – Large scale application in Agriculture – 20 to 25 ton per hectare